
Library to enable .NET WinForms apps to easily render a set of tabs in their titlebar space, similar to Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.

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Current version: 2.0.0

1. Install using NuGet

PM> Install-Package EasyTabs

2. Inherit from the TitleBarTabs base class

public partial class YourApplicationForm : TitleBarTabs
    // ...

3. Set your tab renderer

public YourApplicationForm()
    TabRenderer = new ChromeTabRenderer(this);

4. Implement the CreateTab() method

public override TitleBarTab CreateTab()
    return new TitleBarTab(this)
        Content = new TabWindow
            Text = "New Tab";

Feature rich

Allows your app to function like others containing tabs in their titlebars. Supports tab reorganization, icons, tearing tabs into new windows, and combining tabs into existing windows.


You can extend EasyTabs by writing renderers for other tab styles. A renderer for Chrome is included out of the box.


Supports advanced integration into Windows by allowing features like AeroPeek.

Open source

EasyTabs is open source software and is completely free for commercial use. It is licensed under a BSD license.